Friday, January 18, 2013

The PQ3000 lesson quilt is coming along.....

and it has been a long time in the planning.  So I will be able to get the new PQers their training time.  I was thinking that I would offer the time on Saturday afternoons, say 1 - 4 pm, and limit it to two people so that we can be very concentrated on the task!  I think three hours at a time is more than enough so there will be two sessions whenever the PQers can make the time.  The quilt that is produced in these sessions will be the workbook.  Any PQers out there let me know what you think.

Since I am also putting the lesson into a manual form, all those who are too far away to come for lessons, I will get this out to you as soon as it is complete.

Sometimes I get a little overwhelmed by how much is going on around here, so I am very grateful to the people around me who support me, encourage me and put up with my stress fallouts.  Now and again I need to be reminded of how much we have achieved as a team in the last year or so.  It may seem that we are behind and trying to catch up but so much has been done despite how much more there is to do - I get the feeling that that is what life is generally about for most people.  We should all stop and breath now and again, so tomorrow I will set aside time for the engineer and enjoy some relaxing time doing anything that is not work related!

There is still a lot to plan.  New designs - yes SH I am getting to them - they are in my head and need to come out to make room for other things, show quilts, teaching, developing the laser system and patterns for the PQ3000 and finishing the house.  And, of course, there is still the kennel to take care of and keep running.

But while this is all going on there are wonderful distractions.  Australian Open tennis, the upcoming football culminating in Superbowl and the promise of Spring.  The joy of living here in South Carolina is that when it is really cold, as it was this morning, you just know that it will change either tomorrow, next week or, at the latest, in a couple of months.  It was a little crazy to run in 60F yesterday morning and get up to 31F today, but variety is the spice of life!

Time to pour a glass of wine, settle on the couch to watch some tennis and go to bed.  It may have been a stressful day today but tomorrow is a brand new start.  There is just one little problem to report - my other assistant (not the lovely Lindsay) but the softy Jyl, has been psyched by the Quilter's dog, Bandit.  She was seen feeding the said dog from a bowl, with a spoon, and he was loving it!  Now we have all tried numerous methods of feeding Bandit - he is the pickiest eater ever.  But he was truly inspired when he trained Jyl to spoon feeding.  And he has also trained me to buy him really expensive canned food for Jyl to feed him!  (He is 14 years old and we are seriously trying to get him to eat since he is losing a bit of ground).  However, the side affect of the canned food has been a little smelly today, and we have discovered that trying to cover it up with natural citrus spray leads to smelly citrus smelling stuff - phew!!  And he is currently lying beside the couch and not so gently getting smelly again - so I am closing now and leaving the room.

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