Monday, August 27, 2012

What a weekend....

I ran my first trail 5k race through the trees at Sesquicentennial State Park on Saturday morning and it was a blast!  Much more interesting than a flat road race - more to see, plenty of shade in the trees and softer on the knees.  There were a few uphill sections so my time was a little slower at 42:59, but I will definitely do more of these races.

Now the race on Labor Day is a 5 miler, so there needs to be a bit of serious training this week!  That one is a road race.

So today has been very frantic - new assistant, who did very well, Joan D. finished all but one block of her Simplicity Six.  The block she did today was the Weathervane block with the 16 Y-seams!  She did a really good job with them so now she only has the Sawtooth block left to complete.  It looks fabulous.

And this in Joan P.'s finished Simplicity Six with the borders added - stunning!

And this is my new pride and joy - an electric tea kettle - red and shiny and boils water for my tea!  Probably six or more cups a day!  Always tea time.
So the Simplicity series is complete and Six will be on the website by the end of the week.  It's a little sad, but there is a tickle of excitement as I decide which series to do next - Sensibility, Illusions or Traditions?  Or should I tackle the missing quilts in the Sensation series - all stack and whack quilts?  I'll sleep on it.
I will get all the classes scheduled on the website on Wednesday.  I am teaching at Pieces and Patches, Lexington, SC as well as in the studio.  This evening I will be organizing the EQ7 series of classes that start soon - I'll get that information out as soon as I can - it will be a four part class, mornings only.
Always plenty to do, but I saw a wonderful Tony Robbins quote today 'I challenge you to make your life a masterpiece.  I challenge you to join the ranks of those people who live what they teach, who walk their talk.'  Love it - going to try it!  And tomorrow is another day........

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